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Multiquip MRH800GS

Double drum, Honda GX390, 25.6″ drum

Hour/tachometer measures runtime and engine rpm
Hydrostatic drive eliminates drive belts and adjustments
Infinite variable speed control gives the operator full control with forward, reverse speeds
External mounted vibrator assembly for easy maintenance access
Deadman safety control stops roller when the operator takes hands off the control levers
Large rubber shock mounts minimize drum vibration transfer to engine, hydraulic components
Guide handle folds up 90 degrees for easy transport and storage
Narrow profile design for less than 1 inch (25 mm) side clearance
Dual sprinkler controls wet drum individually
Single access maintenance cover for easy access to all hydraulic components
Permanently lubricated bearings are maintenance free
Built-in tie-downs on all four corners secure the roller during transport

White Star Machinery